If you are trying to create a plan or update your card and it isn’t successful, it is likely due to one of the issues listed below. Review this article for error types and their resolutions.
For any reasons not on this list, partner directly with the Merchant for more assistance. They will escalate to Splitit Support if needed.
Card Brand or Type not supported:
542 “InvalidCCCardBrandNotSupported”
Splitit installment payments can only be made with credit cards. We do not accept debit, prepaid, or HSA/FSA cards for your monthly, recurring plan charges. Please try again with an accepted brand of credit card.
Most Merchants allow Visa and Mastercard for installment plans, and some also accept Discover and American Express. The Merchant should list their accepted cards during the checkout process, but these specific details are not listed in the Shopper Portal when trying to update your card. You will simply see an error message…
Invalid Name:
510 “InvalidCardholderName”
The name you entered does not meet minimum requirements. Please retry using at least 3 characters.
Invalid Expiration Date:
540 “InvalidExpirationDateFormat”
It appears you did not enter the expiration date in the correct format. Please retry using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Invalid CVV Code:
520 “InvalidCVV”
The CVV code you entered does not meet minimum requirements. Please retry using at least 3 characters.
Invalid Card Number:
521 “InvalidCardNumber”
The credit card number entered is not valid. Please check your card and try again.
Invalid Zip Code:
526 “InvalidZipCode”
It appears the zip code you entered is not valid. Please retry and ensure at least 3 characters were entered.
Unknown Zip Code:
554 “UnknownZipCode”
It appears the zip code you entered is not valid. Please retry using a valid zip code.
Invalid Email Address Format:
524 “InvalidEmailFormat”
It appears the email address you entered is not valid. Please retry using the correct format of example@mail.com.
Card from unsupported Country:
528 “InvalidCCIssueCountryNotSupportedByTerminal”
We are sorry, but we currently do not accept credit cards issued by your country. This card cannot be used.
Missing Details:
564 “CreditCardIsMissing”
It appears that some of the required information is missing. Please check all fields to ensure complete information is provided.
General Error:
599 “General Error”
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we request that you try again to complete this action. You recommend that you reload your browser before trying again.