Merchant Outstanding Amounts Report |
Sum of all future installments to be collected |
Merchant Name |
Account Name |
Terminal Name |
The name of the processing account for your merchant account |
Shopper Name |
Name of Shopper for an individual transaction |
Shopper Email |
Shopper Email Address entered at checkout |
Process Date Time (UTC) |
When this installment will be processed |
IP Amount |
The amount for the entire installment plan, similar to the purchase price |
Currency Code |
Currency of the transaction |
Installment Number |
Number of the installment in the plan |
Number of Installments |
The number of installments in the full length of the plan |
Ref Order Number |
Unique order number coded by the merchant or passed via an eCommerce platform |
Installment Amount |
The amount for the individual installment to be processed |
Card Issuer |
Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover |
Card Type |
Credit, Debit, or Prepaid |
Created Date Time (UTC) |
When the plan was created on UTC time zone |
IP Amount |
The amount for the entire installment plan, similar to the purchase price |
Currency Code |
Currency of the transaction |
Number of Installments |
The number of installments in the full length of the plan |