There are a few reasons why your attempt to update your card may be unsuccessful. These reasons are common for all credit card purchases and are not unique to our installment service. Splitit cannot troubleshoot every reason for a failed update, but we can help with the most common reasons and their recommended solution. In some cases you will need to partner with your bank or credit card company to resolve the issue.
Please note that our Support team cannot update your card for you. We take shopper security very seriously and for this reason we do not have the option to perform an update on your behalf.
Here are the issues that Splitit can help you troubleshoot:
- Available credit balance: you need to have the full outstanding amount available on your new card in order to update to it. This is because we re-authorize your new card with your outstanding plan amount to guarantee future payments. If you do not have enough available balance, the update will be unsuccessful.
- Card type or brand not supported: The new card is a debit or prepaid card, or is not an accepted credit card type. Visa and Mastercard are always accepted, but Discover and Amex are merchant dependent.
- Too many card update tries: you can only update your card 2 times within any 24-hour period; more updates than this will result in an automatic failure. If after two attempts your update is still not successful, please partner with our Support team for more assistance.
- Update Card button grayed out: if you are trying to update your card, but the 'Update Card' button is grayed out, it means you have not filled out all required fields. Review the form again and ensure every field has been filled out.
- Card Update not available in Shopper Portal: if you do not see the option to update your card in the Splitit Shopper Portal, then it's likely you've purchased from a Merchant that requires you to update your card directly with them.
If you are unable to update your card, and feel it is due to any of the reasons listed above, reach out to us directly and we are happy to help. Fill out this contact form and select “I want to update my credit card details'' as the Contact Reason.
Here are the issues that Splitit cannot assist with, and you should partner directly with your Bank or Credit Card provider:
- Incorrect Payment Information: errors in entering payment details, such as the card number, expiration date, CVV code, or billing address, can lead to a decline. It can also be due to a billing address mismatch, where your billing address entered does not match what is on file with your financial institution. Double-check all information before submitting the transaction. Ensure that the billing address matches exactly what the card issuer has on file, as even small discrepancies can trigger a decline. Contact your bank to confirm the address on file and ensure you are entering it correctly.
- Card Expiration: If your credit card is expiring soon two things will happen. 1) Splitit will email you when your card on file is expiring within the next month. This will prompt you to update your card in the Shopper Portal. 2) Your card issuer should send you a new card in the mail before the old one expires. In many cases the credit card number remains the same, it is just the expiration date and the Card verification value - CVC or CVV - that has been updated. As with all of your recurring payments, this card needs to be updated in the Shopper Portal to reflect the new expiration date and CVC or CVV code.
- Daily Spending Limit: some credit cards have daily spending limits, which, if exceeded, will result in a decline. The cardholder can contact their bank to request a temporary increase in their daily spending limit or use another payment method.
- Authorization block: some card issuers may temporarily block transactions that fit certain patterns, such as high-frequency or high-value transactions, especially when they occur in quick succession. The cardholder should contact their card issuer to lift the block and verify the transaction.
- Suspicious Activity: credit card companies are vigilant about detecting fraud. If a transaction seems out of the ordinary, the issuer may decline the transaction to protect the cardholder. The cardholder should contact their card issuer to confirm the transaction and verify their identity. In some cases, they may need to temporarily lift restrictions on their account.
3D Secure Authentication Failure: some online transactions require additional verification through 3D Secure (e.g., Verified by Visa, Mastercard SecureCode). If the customer fails to complete this step, the transaction will be declined. The customer should follow the instructions provided by their bank for completing the authentication process. If they encounter issues, they should contact their bank.